Accessibility statement
The Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel is committed to making its website fully accessible in accordance with the Lower Saxony Disability Equality Act (NBGG), which implements the directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe.
This accessibility statement applies to the website
Current state of compatibility with the requirements
This website is only partly compatible with EU directive 2016/2102 and the NBGG owing to the following exceptions:
Non-accessible content:
The following content is not accessible for the reason listed below under Explanation:
- PDF documents
- Image, audio and video files
- Automatically updated content
- Image and text links
- Menu navigation
The website is being adapted and optimised in accordance with EU directive 2016/2102, which aims to make public sector websites more accessible. The deficits and shortcomings are currently subject to an ongoing process of improvement and will be addressed successively.
Accessible alternatives
Should you have any questions about content that is not accessible, feel free to contact us by post, phone or email. Please use the contact details given further below.
Drafting of this accessibility statement
This statement was drawn up on 26 July 2023.
The evaluation on which it was based was carried out by Materna Information & Communications SE.
Feedback and contact details
Please let us know about any failures to comply with accessibility requirements. You can contact us by post, phone or email:
Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
Department for press and public relations
Antje Dauer, press officer