- DB-HAB 1: Datenbank der Wolfenbütteler Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Buchwesens im deutschen Sprachgebiet: 1840–1980 (WBB) (Database of the Wolfenbüttel Bibliography on the History of the Book Trade in the German-speaking Territories: 1840–1980), edited by Erdmann Weyrauch in collaboration with Cornelia Fricke and Ulrich Lauszus, database version by Thomas Stäcker (Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2006).
- DB-HAB 2: Aufsatzdokumentation zum Mittelalter und zur Frühen Neuzeit (Essay Documentation on the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period (Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 1972–2008; newer records listed in OPAC). Non-independent publications on research on the early modern period from collected editions and journals in the holdings of the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel.
- DB-HAB 3: Historische Ortsansichten des ehemaligen Fürstentums Wolfenbüttel vor 1800 (Historical Views of the Former Principality of Wolfenbüttel before 1800) by Iris Berndt (Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2007).
- DB-HAB 4: Katalog der Wolfenbütteler Luther-Drucke 1513 bis 1546 (Catalogue of Printed Works by and on Luther at Wolfenbüttel, 1513–1546), compiled by Maria von Katte, database by Christian Knoop (Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2006).
- DB-HAB 5: Archäologische Funde in der Frühen Neuzeit: Eine Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Archäologie 1500–1806 (Early Modern Archaeological Finds: A Bibliography on the History of Archaeology, 1500–1806), edited by Dietrich Hakelberg and Ingo Wiwjorra (Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2009). The database offers bibliographical listings for a canon of printed source texts on the history of archaeology in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire before 1806. The bibliography comprises independently published texts (monographs) and essays that mention archaeological finds in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire (including Switzerland and Prussia). It is the result of the project Early modern archaeological finds.
- DB-HAB 6: Katalog der Leichenpredigten der Herzog August Bibliothek (Catalogue of funeral sermons of the Herzog August Bibliothek), edited by Marina Arnold, 2nd rev. ed. (Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2008).
- DB-HAB 7: Arznei und Confect: Medikale Kultur am Wolfenbütteler Hof im 16./17. Jahrhundert (Medicaments and Compounds: Medical Culture at the Wolfenbüttel Court in the 16th/17th Century), compiled by Gabriele Wacker (Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2012). The database lists items purveyed by the Wolfenbüttel court apothecary between 1576 and 1706. The medical preparations and substances are catalogued using a standardised vocabulary. The material collection is one of the outcomes of the project of the same name: Medicaments and compounds: Medical culture at the Wolfenbüttel court in the 16th/17th century.
- DB-HAB 8: Wissensproduktion an der Universität Helmstedt: Forschungsportal zur frühneuzeitlichen Universitätsgeschichte (Knowledge Production at the University of Helmstedt: Research Portal on Early Modern University History). Database containing source material on the former university of Helmstedt that was compiled in connection with the research projects Knowledge production at the university of Helmstedt: Changes in the philosophical faculty between 1576 and 1810 and The Helmstedt professor’s household, 1576–1810.
- DB-HAB 9: Die deutsche Akademie des 17. Jahrhunderts: Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft (The German Academy of the 17th Century: The Fruitbearing Society). Further information on the project about the Fruitbearing Society conducted in cooperation with the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities). Alongside a basic profile of the society, the database also lists all its 890 members. New information emerging from the project’s research and edition work is continually added to the database.
Websites have created for the various research and in-depth cataloguing projects with links to their own and external resources as well as research literature and source material. For an overview, please visit ‘Portals’.