The project set out to digitise around 7,000 of the German-language printed works listed in VD 17 and make them accessible along with their cataloguing data. The funding application for the project was made within the context of the overall master plan. The works included in the digitisation process can be categorised as Type 1 (‘unique holdings’) and Type 4 (‘individual listings’). Works count as unique holdings if they are listed in VD 17 as being present solely in the Herzog August Bibliothek at a particular point in time. Works categorised as Type 4 have been directly selected by the library, thereby establishing a flexible process for digitising literature whenever there is a specific research requirement.
Further information about the project can be found here and in the Download section on the right-hand side of this page.
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG)
Duration: September 2014 – October 2019
Project participant: Andrea Opitz, Johannes Mangei (contact)